Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der
Wiener Gemeindebediensteten

1020 Vienna
Rustenschacherallee 3
T +43 1 720 84 91
F +43 1 720 16 91
Email: office@ksv-wien.at

GLN (public administration)
(Austrian Business Licence Information System)

ZVR: 368024500

Public authority in accordance with ECG
(E-Commerce Act)
Municipal District Office for the 2nd District

all information available at wko.at



8 weeks prior to the day of arrival 30%
4 weeks prior to the day of arrival 50%
2 weeks prior to the day of arrival 100%

2. Payment

The invoice amount may be paid in cash, by debit card, Visa or MasterCard.


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Your information will be used exclusively by us and treated as confidential in compliance with the relevant legal provisions.

a. Copyright

Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der Wiener Gemeindebediensteten 2014. All rights reserved. All industrial property rights regarding the entire text and image material on this site are the sole property of Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der Wiener Gemeindebediensteten. The site may not be altered, commercially used, sold or included in other works or publications in whole or in part.

b. Accuracy of the content

The statements made on this site are made in good faith, however, they only serve for general information. We do not warrant their reliability for particular purposes or their accuracy and completeness in any way.

c. Exclusion of liability for third-party sites

The pages of this internet presence also contain links = hyperlinks to other websites on the internet which are maintained by third parties. Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der Wiener Gemeindebediensteten merely acts as an intermediary for access to these sites and assumes no responsibility for their content. Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der Wiener Gemeindebediensteten is consequently also not liable for violation of patents, licences or other rights of third parties committed on a hyperlinked site.

d. Data protection

We respect the privacy of all individuals who use our website. When you contact us, your name, address, phone number, email address, the type of enquiry and any other information required to process your enquiry will be stored.

e. Terms of use

Our terms of use shall be governed by Austrian law. The place of jurisdiction for disputes concerning this web presence shall be Vienna. In the event that any provision of the present terms of use shall be or become invalid, all other terms shall remain in full effect.
All rights reserved.

© Kultur- und Sportvereinigung der Wiener Gemeindebediensteten, January 2018